Giving is a privilege and helps us be
more like our generous gracious God
We believe that we are in God’s world and that we are stewards of God’s creation. Who we are and what we have are intended to be used to honour and serve Jesus. We exist to glorify God. Giving to God’s work is an opportunity to show our love and express our thanks. This is as much about our time, our intellect, our abilities and our opportunities as our money.
General Church Funds
Bread of Life Trust Fund
Building Fund
General Church Funds
Account Name: Walmer Methodist Church
Bank: First National Bank
Branch:Walmer Park
Account Number: 62027427104
Branch Code: 211417
Account Type: Cheque Account
Bread of Life Trust Fund
Bank: FNB
Branch code: 211 – 217
Account Holder: WMC Bread of Life Trust
Account No: 622 723 625 27
Building Fund
Account Name: Walmer Methodist Church Building Fund
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rink Street
Account Number: 383738733
Branch Code: 050417
Account Type: Enterprise Book Plus Plan
Account Name: Walmer Methodist Church
Bank: First National Bank
Branch:Walmer Park
Account Number: 62027427104
Branch Code: 211417
Account Type: Cheque Account
Bank: FNB
Branch code: 211 – 217
Account Holder: WMC Bread of Life Trust
Account No: 622 723 625 27
Account Name: Walmer Methodist Church Building Fund
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rink Street
Account Number: 383738733
Branch Code: 050417
Account Type: Enterprise Book Plus Plan
When it comes to money, the Old Testament teaches that a tithe (10%) of all we have belongs to God and ought to be given to support “the Lord’s house”. We, also, find other gifts to mission or ministry or specific projects expected and encouraged.
In the New Testament, Jesus challenges us to “exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees who tithe all they have”. Rather than a law it now becomes an opportunity of grace. At Walmer, we invite every person to give a significant proportion of their income to the Church for the general running of the Church. Each person is encouraged to give, after prayerful consideration, in a systematic planned way. As leaders at least a tithe of our income as a Church is given to other ministries, mission and outreach beyond the local congregation.
Beyond giving to general expenses which finance things like staffing, ministry, upkeep and maintenance and mission we invite our people to give as they feel led to capital expenditure, like building improvements, outreach and mission such as our Bread of Life Trust and other special needs or challenges, from time to time through special appeals.When giving to specific or special appeals we usually use our general running expenses (FNB) account but depend on clear designation through a reference. We are unreservedly committed to using all gifts or donations towards that for which they were given. All financial records are audited and submitted to our Connexional Office for accountability annualy. With prior arrangement any member is welcome to see and interrogate our finances.