Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

Age Groups

The Brave Ones at Walmer Methodist Church are from 1 – 12 years. 1 – 3 year olds do not have a structured program, but there is childcare available during the 09h00 service in the PlayZone. Our 4 – 12 year olds do follow a program during the 09h00 service, exploring various themes throughout the year.

Annual Events

Holiday Club

The second term winter holiday is our favourite time of the year.  Kids enjoy a week of fun, games, craft, worship and exploring bible stories.  Holiday Club has been a part of our church’s history for many years, as children learn about Jesus and leaders build lasting memories and friendships.

Summer Fest

Before the December school break, enjoy two days of absolute Summer fun and games! Waterslides, games, fun crafts and yummy food are the best way to start off the school break with a SUMMER BANG!